Wednesday, July 23, 2014

I Don't Know What I'm Doing....

I've enjoyed writing since I was a child.  I moved recently and opened boxes that I had simply carried with me, unopened, from apartment to apartment and house to house for decades. Included amongst the books, photos, melted candles (thank you, hot Georgia attic) and myriad other keepsakes, I found reams and reams of my writing through the years.
There were journals, notebooks, legal pads, copy books, fictional stories on loose  leaf paper and my own personal stories in diaries a la "Are You There God...It's Me, Margaret" from my beloved Judy Blume.  I didn't realize how full of angst I was as a teen until I found those gems recently.  A few entries were so full of vitriol against my two younger sisters (warranted) and my fairly strict (though not North Korean labor camp strict as depicted) that I actually stopped reading and, cringing, turned the page.

I found a number of attempts at writing a novel, usually involving a pair of young people in some treacherous situation, short stories that incorporated whomever I deemed to be my future husband at the time (I'm looking at YOU Dolph Lundgren> and even my numerous attempts at songwriting.  Even as an adult, I can remember at least two jobs where, upon my impending departure, I put together a long, humorous poem that was really a roast of all of my colleagues, detailing their quirks and whatever escapades we had gotten into during my time there.  These were well received.

It's evident that I am fascinated by the written word and have dipped a toe in the literary pool a million times, albeit on the shallow end.  Maybe the kids' pool.  However, I never really imagined I would do this.  That I

I've thought about it plenty of times - not truly considering it, but just thinking that it would be a fun thing to do.  But then I could never answer the first question that would pop into my head:

What the hell do I have to say?  And who would listen??

I couldn't speak with any authority - not exalted internet authority - on politics, music, fitness, relationships or finance.  I certainly have experience and opinions in those areas, but not enough to put it online and attach my name to it!  That said, I will certainly be commenting on all of the aforementioned topics at one point or another, now that I've suited up and boarded the rocket.

So, what has brought on this sudden surge of chutzpah where my humble little keyboard is concerned?  Necessity.  Desire.  Optimism!  I'm hopping aboard the entrepreneurial bullet train.  For myself this time, not as a representative of Mary Kay or any of the other attempts I've made with companies that required me to build a team under me in order to succeed.  I'm going to strut down the platform and climb up with the likes of Millenial whiz kids, tech geniuses and serial start up founders and I'm going to sit in First Class and do my best to assimilate.  I can drink tea with my pinky up!  My new venture requires a voice and that voice is this blog.  I'll have to find things to say and find people who want to hear me say it.  Okay, read it.  I'll be funny, insightful, charming, witty - <gasp!> shocking!  I will also suck, on what I hope is an increasingly less frequent basis.

Alright!  Watch this spot!  Amazing tales of hilarity, profundity and substance are coming your way, if you choose to go mine.  And one day, in the not too distant future, you can point at me on the television and tell your friends: "I knew her when."


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