Wednesday, July 23, 2014

My Dog Has an Iron Stomach...

Most pet owners could regale you with tales of what has passed down the gullet of their fine scaly, feathered or furry friends.  I own a Manchester Terrier, which looks almost identical to a Miniature Pinscher, which is what people always guess first when they meet her.

My little one is a trim, vigilant and very, very, nosy little thing with more than her fair share of tenacity.  Her entire life's work consists of 'looking for something else to eat', which has gotten her into trouble, however not as one would expect.

A couple years back, I received an early morning call from my friend whose house we had been visiting the evening prior:

Friend: Yeah, has Reese been acting strangely at all?
Me: No.  I mean she made a shit in the living room, but she's fine, why?
Friend: I think she ate mouse poison when she was here last night.
Me: Are you serious??

That shit had been pretty green, however my pup was unfazed by her choice of appetizer, so I wasn't too concerned.  I kept an eye on her and she was fine.  She has since eaten a milk chocolate bar out of some luggage a few months ago, stolen an entire meat and cheese plate for a party we threw recently and neither have given her a moment's pause.  Her piece de resistance however, was her foray into my work bag from which she stole and devoured an entire Lindt Sea Salt bar (dark chocolate), foil and all.  We did take her to the vet, albeit much too late for their taste - some chastising ensued - where they could monitor her vitals and behavior.

As you know, dark chocolate can be lethal for dogs.  It's poisonous.  We're talking potential heart arrhythmia, seizures, gastro issues...Reese only weighs 12 lbs and she ate a LOT of chocolate...3.5 ounces, to be exact.  The vets watched her and we waited anxiously to see what would happen and...

She...was a lot more hyper than usual.

That's it.  That was her symptom after eating what would equate to a considerable amount of antifreeze in a human. She just kind of hung out in the vet's office until my boyfriend went to pick her up.  A Lindt bar I bought for myself that cost $2.27 was converted into a dessert for Reese and $300 in bills and special food.  Damned dog.

She did get taken down once, though.  The Englishman and I had just moved in together and he was not used to living with a dog, let alone my eternally voracious little raptor.  He unwittingly left a new cannister of peanuts within her reach (read: on Earth) and she ate them.  All.  He texted me the play by play and told me she was "lying there with a gurgling stomach and the occasional fart".  Audible farts??  This was a new phenomenon.  Then she looked like this:

In a shaggy sea of regret

Then she got sick.  You haven't lived until you've picked half-digested peanuts out of a deep shag carpet.  At least I think that's true, as I was elsewhere during the cleanup. (Sorry, Babe)  I got my turn later that evening though, when what appeared to be a PayDay Bar materialized in our loft.  I'm not kidding.  It looked EXACTLY like this:

Smelled different, though.

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